East West 101

East West 101 is a critically acclaimed and award-winning drama series airing on the SBS network. The series was produced and created by Steven Knapman & Kris Wyld, the team behind other drama series such as Wildside and White Collar Blue. East West 101 is set around the Major Crime Squad in metropolitan Sydney. It is based upon the experiences of actual detectives in a crime unit in Sydney's western suburbs. It is filmed on location, in Sydney suburbs such as Auburn, Lidcombe, Redfern, Chinatown and Sefton.

East West 101

East West 101 is a critically acclaimed and award-winning drama series airing on the SBS network. The series was produced and created by Steven Knapman & Kris Wyld, the team behind other drama series such as Wildside and White Collar Blue. East West 101 is set around the Major Crime Squad in metropolitan Sydney. It is based upon the experiences of actual detectives in a crime unit in Sydney's western suburbs. It is filmed on location, in Sydney suburbs such as Auburn, Lidcombe, Redfern, Chinatown and Sefton.