
The site of Ebsbury includes the remains of an Iron Age enclosed settlement, field system and possible hill fort, and a Romano-British enclosed settlement, located in the parish of Barford St Martin, in Wiltshire. The site was subject to archaeological surveys and excavations in 1906 by S.W. Doughty. Finds include a Neolithic perforated mace-head and two Roman coin hoards. The latter were found buried in two earthenware pots; the coins date from between AD 337 and AD 408, and were found with the remains of a glass vessel, and six silver rings.


The site of Ebsbury includes the remains of an Iron Age enclosed settlement, field system and possible hill fort, and a Romano-British enclosed settlement, located in the parish of Barford St Martin, in Wiltshire. The site was subject to archaeological surveys and excavations in 1906 by S.W. Doughty. Finds include a Neolithic perforated mace-head and two Roman coin hoards. The latter were found buried in two earthenware pots; the coins date from between AD 337 and AD 408, and were found with the remains of a glass vessel, and six silver rings.