Eclipse Phase

Eclipse Phase is a science fiction horror role-playing game with transhumanist themes. Futurist Anders Sandberg noted its difference from GURPS Transhuman Space was its emphasis on posthuman (rather than transhuman) characters. Originally published by Catalyst Game Labs, Eclipse Phase is now published by the game's creators, Posthuman Studios and is released under a Creative Commons license. In 2010, it won the 36th Annual Origins award for Best Roleplaying Game. It also won three 2010 ENnie awards: Gold for Best Writing, Silver for Best Cover Art, and Silver for Product of the Year.

Eclipse Phase

Eclipse Phase is a science fiction horror role-playing game with transhumanist themes. Futurist Anders Sandberg noted its difference from GURPS Transhuman Space was its emphasis on posthuman (rather than transhuman) characters. Originally published by Catalyst Game Labs, Eclipse Phase is now published by the game's creators, Posthuman Studios and is released under a Creative Commons license. In 2010, it won the 36th Annual Origins award for Best Roleplaying Game. It also won three 2010 ENnie awards: Gold for Best Writing, Silver for Best Cover Art, and Silver for Product of the Year.