
Edutel B.V. is a Dutch telephone company, Internet Service Provider and IPTV supplier (together with Glashart Media). Edutel is one of the first companies focussed on FTTH and FTTB services and is a key player in this upcoming market since 2004. Its main activity is providing FTTH and FTTB multiplay services for private and business use such as telephony, internet and radio/television services. They have a direct connection to the AMS-IX and the SS7 network. Since 2005 they also handle all telephone and Internet traffic for one of the first Dutch FTTH networks Ons Net Nuenen.


Edutel B.V. is a Dutch telephone company, Internet Service Provider and IPTV supplier (together with Glashart Media). Edutel is one of the first companies focussed on FTTH and FTTB services and is a key player in this upcoming market since 2004. Its main activity is providing FTTH and FTTB multiplay services for private and business use such as telephony, internet and radio/television services. They have a direct connection to the AMS-IX and the SS7 network. Since 2005 they also handle all telephone and Internet traffic for one of the first Dutch FTTH networks Ons Net Nuenen.