Egomania (film)

"Egomania" was the first episode of a 3-part documentary series on Channel 4 made by Firecracker Films about people who are diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). The other two parts of the series, called Mania, were called "Pyromania" and "Erotomania". The film was directed by Mark Soldinger and narrated by actor Bernard Hill. The film was not well received by some critics. However, Wollaston notes: "And anyway, Frank only displays three of the nine symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), so he's not even a proper egomaniac."

Egomania (film)

"Egomania" was the first episode of a 3-part documentary series on Channel 4 made by Firecracker Films about people who are diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). The other two parts of the series, called Mania, were called "Pyromania" and "Erotomania". The film was directed by Mark Soldinger and narrated by actor Bernard Hill. The film was not well received by some critics. However, Wollaston notes: "And anyway, Frank only displays three of the nine symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), so he's not even a proper egomaniac."