Eiken (manga)

Eiken (Japanese: エイケン) is a fanservice-themed manga and anime series created by Seiji Matsuyama. The story depicts the life of schoolboy Densuke Mifune after he is forced into the mysterious Eiken Club, which is populated only by women, several of whom have enormous breasts. The manga series ran for eighteen volumes, and additionally included a series guidebook. A number of radio drama episodes and a two episode OVA (the latter roughly based on a volume 3 storyline) have been produced.

Eiken (manga)

Eiken (Japanese: エイケン) is a fanservice-themed manga and anime series created by Seiji Matsuyama. The story depicts the life of schoolboy Densuke Mifune after he is forced into the mysterious Eiken Club, which is populated only by women, several of whom have enormous breasts. The manga series ran for eighteen volumes, and additionally included a series guidebook. A number of radio drama episodes and a two episode OVA (the latter roughly based on a volume 3 storyline) have been produced.