El Sopar

El Sopar (English: Dinner) is a 1974 documentary film, in Catalan and Spanish, by experimental filmmaker Pere Portabella. The film takes place on the night of the execution of militant anarchist Salvador Puig Antich by Franco's regime. Using simple cinematic conventions, Portabella's documentary involves five former political prisoners gathered in a farmhouse to prepare dinner and discuss the problems with long prison terms.

El Sopar

El Sopar (English: Dinner) is a 1974 documentary film, in Catalan and Spanish, by experimental filmmaker Pere Portabella. The film takes place on the night of the execution of militant anarchist Salvador Puig Antich by Franco's regime. Using simple cinematic conventions, Portabella's documentary involves five former political prisoners gathered in a farmhouse to prepare dinner and discuss the problems with long prison terms.