Elmhurst Ballet School

Elmhurst School for Dance is an independent school for professional Classical Ballet in the United Kingdom, and an associate school of Birmingham Royal Ballet. It takes students aged 11–19 years who intend to pursue a career in professional classical ballet. The Independent Schools Inspectorate commented that the school is a world-renowned centre for excellence in its field. Elmhurst provides a full academic day in conjunction with a full vocational course in ballet and dance training."

Elmhurst Ballet School

Elmhurst School for Dance is an independent school for professional Classical Ballet in the United Kingdom, and an associate school of Birmingham Royal Ballet. It takes students aged 11–19 years who intend to pursue a career in professional classical ballet. The Independent Schools Inspectorate commented that the school is a world-renowned centre for excellence in its field. Elmhurst provides a full academic day in conjunction with a full vocational course in ballet and dance training."