Empty Yard Experiment

Empty Yard Experiment (or EYE for short) is a progressive rock band based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Founded in 2006, EYE has created a reputation for its live shows, where the band’s music is complemented by the use of conceptual and visual art. Influenced by bands such as Tool, Karnivool, King Crimson, early Pink Floyd, Nine Inch Nails, Alice In Chains, Mogwai and Russian Circles, the band's music often eludes categorization with its unique blend of Western musical traditions and those inspired by the various cultures of the Middle East. It incorporates various elements of Post-Rock and Alternative Rock to place the band as one of the most prominent progressive rock acts in the region. EYE's live shows rely heavily on visuals created by the band, former drummer Sami Al Turki and Alt

Empty Yard Experiment

Empty Yard Experiment (or EYE for short) is a progressive rock band based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Founded in 2006, EYE has created a reputation for its live shows, where the band’s music is complemented by the use of conceptual and visual art. Influenced by bands such as Tool, Karnivool, King Crimson, early Pink Floyd, Nine Inch Nails, Alice In Chains, Mogwai and Russian Circles, the band's music often eludes categorization with its unique blend of Western musical traditions and those inspired by the various cultures of the Middle East. It incorporates various elements of Post-Rock and Alternative Rock to place the band as one of the most prominent progressive rock acts in the region. EYE's live shows rely heavily on visuals created by the band, former drummer Sami Al Turki and Alt