Engine Company 1 Fire Station

The Engine Company 1 Fire Station is located at 197 Main St. and 36 John St. in Hartford, Connecticut. The firehouse, a Collegiate Gothic Revival structure, was built in 1920, and is built in a parcel including an equipment maintenance shop, built the same time. The buildings were designed by Hartford architects Ebbets and Frid, and were added to the National Register of Historic Places on March 2, 1989. It is still an active firehouse owned by the Hartford Fire Department. It is the quarters of HFD Engine Co. 1 and Ladder Co. 6.

Engine Company 1 Fire Station

The Engine Company 1 Fire Station is located at 197 Main St. and 36 John St. in Hartford, Connecticut. The firehouse, a Collegiate Gothic Revival structure, was built in 1920, and is built in a parcel including an equipment maintenance shop, built the same time. The buildings were designed by Hartford architects Ebbets and Frid, and were added to the National Register of Historic Places on March 2, 1989. It is still an active firehouse owned by the Hartford Fire Department. It is the quarters of HFD Engine Co. 1 and Ladder Co. 6.