Erinus alpinus

Erinus alpinus (fairy foxglove, starflower, alpine balsam, liver balsam) is a species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae, native to Central and Southern Europe. It is a semi-evergreen perennial, with 10 cm (4 in) stems of narrow blue-green leaves and clusters of rose-pink flowers at the tips in spring and summer. It is popularly grown in rockeries or alpine gardens; and it occasionally becomes naturalised outside of its native range, especially on old stone walls, shown well from a well-known location for this species on the old packhorse bridge at Carrbridge in the Highlands of Scotland

Erinus alpinus

Erinus alpinus (fairy foxglove, starflower, alpine balsam, liver balsam) is a species of flowering plant in the family Plantaginaceae, native to Central and Southern Europe. It is a semi-evergreen perennial, with 10 cm (4 in) stems of narrow blue-green leaves and clusters of rose-pink flowers at the tips in spring and summer. It is popularly grown in rockeries or alpine gardens; and it occasionally becomes naturalised outside of its native range, especially on old stone walls, shown well from a well-known location for this species on the old packhorse bridge at Carrbridge in the Highlands of Scotland