
The Erlacherhof is a town mansion on the Junkerngasse No. 47 in the Old City of Bern, only a few steps away from the Béatrice-von-Wattenwyl-Haus. The Erlacherhof was built between 1745 and 1752 after the plans of the Bernese architect Albrecht Stürler for the Bernese patrician Hieronymus von Erlach in place of two older houses of which one was the old town house of the family von Erlach. The other house belonged once to the family of Adrian von Bubenberg. The Erlacherhof is not open to the public.


The Erlacherhof is a town mansion on the Junkerngasse No. 47 in the Old City of Bern, only a few steps away from the Béatrice-von-Wattenwyl-Haus. The Erlacherhof was built between 1745 and 1752 after the plans of the Bernese architect Albrecht Stürler for the Bernese patrician Hieronymus von Erlach in place of two older houses of which one was the old town house of the family von Erlach. The other house belonged once to the family of Adrian von Bubenberg. The Erlacherhof is not open to the public.