Eugene Lavrenchuk

Eugene Lavrenchuk (Russian: Лавренчук Евгений Викторович; Ukrainian: Лавренчук Євген Вікторович; Polish: Eugeniusz Ławreńczuk)) (born June 24, 1982) is a Ukrainian, Polish and Russian theater director, actor and teacher. Director, co-founder (2002), and artistic director of the "Polish Theatre in Moscow" and the "School of acting and directing". Directorial debut at the age of 16. One of the youngest directors in the world. Despite his age, he has staged more than 30 performances. Winner of international competitions and festivals in Europe. Makes stagings, but also carries out active teaching activities in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Lithuania and Israel.

Eugene Lavrenchuk

Eugene Lavrenchuk (Russian: Лавренчук Евгений Викторович; Ukrainian: Лавренчук Євген Вікторович; Polish: Eugeniusz Ławreńczuk)) (born June 24, 1982) is a Ukrainian, Polish and Russian theater director, actor and teacher. Director, co-founder (2002), and artistic director of the "Polish Theatre in Moscow" and the "School of acting and directing". Directorial debut at the age of 16. One of the youngest directors in the world. Despite his age, he has staged more than 30 performances. Winner of international competitions and festivals in Europe. Makes stagings, but also carries out active teaching activities in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Lithuania and Israel.