Eupatorium paludicola

Eupatorium paludicola, swamp justiceweed is a rare North American species of plant in sunflower family, found only in the States of North Carolina and South Carolina in the southeastern United States. Eupatorium paludicola was for many years considered part of E. leucolepis until chromosomal analysis showed it to be a distinct species. Eupatorium paludicola is a perennial herb spreading by means of underground rhizomes. It has long, narrowly lance-shaped leaves. Hybrids have been reported between E. paludicola and E. mohrii.

Eupatorium paludicola

Eupatorium paludicola, swamp justiceweed is a rare North American species of plant in sunflower family, found only in the States of North Carolina and South Carolina in the southeastern United States. Eupatorium paludicola was for many years considered part of E. leucolepis until chromosomal analysis showed it to be a distinct species. Eupatorium paludicola is a perennial herb spreading by means of underground rhizomes. It has long, narrowly lance-shaped leaves. Hybrids have been reported between E. paludicola and E. mohrii.