Every Day Life

Every Day Life, later simply known as EDL, was a Christian rapcore group. The band became identified with the straight edge movement, which advocates abstinence from sex, drugs and tobacco. The band has been labeled as a Christian version of Rage Against the Machine, which the band states is "kinda flattering, because when we started the band, I hadn't heard ‘em... we had no influence of theirs, and we had no starting point from them."

Every Day Life

Every Day Life, later simply known as EDL, was a Christian rapcore group. The band became identified with the straight edge movement, which advocates abstinence from sex, drugs and tobacco. The band has been labeled as a Christian version of Rage Against the Machine, which the band states is "kinda flattering, because when we started the band, I hadn't heard ‘em... we had no influence of theirs, and we had no starting point from them."