Evolve Festival

Evolve Festival is an annual music and cultural festival which until 2016 was located near Antigonish, Nova Scotia. In 2016, the festival was moved to Jailletville, New Brunswick. The festival is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable living and environmental awareness. The festival uses renewable energy sources (aided by diesel generators), recycled and biodegradable products and endeavours (aided by styrofoam) to limit solid waste. In 2010, Evolve Festival won the CBC Radio 3 contest vote for "Best Festival In Canada".

Evolve Festival

Evolve Festival is an annual music and cultural festival which until 2016 was located near Antigonish, Nova Scotia. In 2016, the festival was moved to Jailletville, New Brunswick. The festival is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable living and environmental awareness. The festival uses renewable energy sources (aided by diesel generators), recycled and biodegradable products and endeavours (aided by styrofoam) to limit solid waste. In 2010, Evolve Festival won the CBC Radio 3 contest vote for "Best Festival In Canada".