Extra Life (band)

Extra Life was an experimental band from Brooklyn. They are known for using unusual rhythms and time signatures, and for Charlie Looker's (ex Zs and Dirty Projectors) unique singing style, which often uses melisma and is reminiscent of medieval and Renaissance music. Other members of Extra Life also play in a number of other bands. Nick Podgurski plays drums in Yukon. Caley Monahon-Ward plays violin in Snowblink. Math rock artist Tyondai Braxton formerly of Battles recommended the band on their Myspace, saying "Totally scored out. Awkward rhythm. Amazing".

Extra Life (band)

Extra Life was an experimental band from Brooklyn. They are known for using unusual rhythms and time signatures, and for Charlie Looker's (ex Zs and Dirty Projectors) unique singing style, which often uses melisma and is reminiscent of medieval and Renaissance music. Other members of Extra Life also play in a number of other bands. Nick Podgurski plays drums in Yukon. Caley Monahon-Ward plays violin in Snowblink. Math rock artist Tyondai Braxton formerly of Battles recommended the band on their Myspace, saying "Totally scored out. Awkward rhythm. Amazing".