FN-Kégresse 3T

The FN Kégresse 3T was a half-track vehicle used by the Belgian armed forces as an artillery tractor between 1934-40. The vehicle used the Kegresse track system and should not be confused with the Citroën Kégresse P14 half-track, which was also in use in the Belgian and Polish armed forces, but differs slightly in configuration. About 130 FN Kégresse were built by the start of the Battle of Belgium in May 1940.

FN-Kégresse 3T

The FN Kégresse 3T was a half-track vehicle used by the Belgian armed forces as an artillery tractor between 1934-40. The vehicle used the Kegresse track system and should not be confused with the Citroën Kégresse P14 half-track, which was also in use in the Belgian and Polish armed forces, but differs slightly in configuration. About 130 FN Kégresse were built by the start of the Battle of Belgium in May 1940.