Fake spike

A fake spike is a trick play in American football. When the clock is running low, it is not uncommon for a quarterback to spike the ball to stop the clock, either to set up for the next play or bring on the special teams. Here too, the objective is to trick the defense into believing that no downfield play will be run. A famous example occurred in 1994 with the Clock Play, when Dan Marino's Dolphins were playing the Jets. From the account of Pat Kirwan, former Jets defensive coach and executive,

Fake spike

A fake spike is a trick play in American football. When the clock is running low, it is not uncommon for a quarterback to spike the ball to stop the clock, either to set up for the next play or bring on the special teams. Here too, the objective is to trick the defense into believing that no downfield play will be run. A famous example occurred in 1994 with the Clock Play, when Dan Marino's Dolphins were playing the Jets. From the account of Pat Kirwan, former Jets defensive coach and executive,