Falling Water (TV series)

Falling Water is an American supernatural drama television series. A commercial free advance preview of the pilot aired on September 21, 2016 ahead of its October 13, 2016 premiere. The pilot was penned and co-created by Blake Masters and Henry Bromell before Bromell died in 2013. In honor to his work, Bromell is still listed as a co-creator and receives a producer credit.

Falling Water (TV series)

Falling Water is an American supernatural drama television series. A commercial free advance preview of the pilot aired on September 21, 2016 ahead of its October 13, 2016 premiere. The pilot was penned and co-created by Blake Masters and Henry Bromell before Bromell died in 2013. In honor to his work, Bromell is still listed as a co-creator and receives a producer credit.