
Farmand (English: The Trade Journal of Norway) was a business magazine published in Oslo, Norway, from 1891 until it was discontinued in January 1989. The name farmand (or farmann) was from an old Norse word for a tradesman. It is composed of the words far as in to "travel far and wide" combined with the word man. The old Norwegian king Bjørn Farmann or "Bjørn the Tradesman" bore this title.


Farmand (English: The Trade Journal of Norway) was a business magazine published in Oslo, Norway, from 1891 until it was discontinued in January 1989. The name farmand (or farmann) was from an old Norse word for a tradesman. It is composed of the words far as in to "travel far and wide" combined with the word man. The old Norwegian king Bjørn Farmann or "Bjørn the Tradesman" bore this title.