Fashion design services

Fashion Design Services provider is an entity that provides services like trend and color forecasting, market analysis, design concepts & design documentation etc. for manufacturers. This way the manufacturer can contract out the design requirements & get the design job done rather than maintaining an in-house design team. Fashion Design services provider can either sell the designs outright or license them out on royalty basis. 27th Point Launches a New Program to Help Start-Up Manufacturers in the Home and Fashion Industry

Fashion design services

Fashion Design Services provider is an entity that provides services like trend and color forecasting, market analysis, design concepts & design documentation etc. for manufacturers. This way the manufacturer can contract out the design requirements & get the design job done rather than maintaining an in-house design team. Fashion Design services provider can either sell the designs outright or license them out on royalty basis. 27th Point Launches a New Program to Help Start-Up Manufacturers in the Home and Fashion Industry