Fauna of Kenya

The diversity of Kenya's wildlife has garnered international fame, especially for its populations of large mammals. Its species of mammals include: East African lions (P. l. nubica), East African cheetahs (A. j. raineyii) hippopotami, African buffaloes, wildebeests, African elephants, zebras, giraffes, and rhinoceros. Kenya has a very diverse population of birds, including flamingos and Masai ostriches (S. c. massaicus)

Fauna of Kenya

The diversity of Kenya's wildlife has garnered international fame, especially for its populations of large mammals. Its species of mammals include: East African lions (P. l. nubica), East African cheetahs (A. j. raineyii) hippopotami, African buffaloes, wildebeests, African elephants, zebras, giraffes, and rhinoceros. Kenya has a very diverse population of birds, including flamingos and Masai ostriches (S. c. massaicus)