Federal Institute of São Paulo

The Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (Portuguese: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, IFSP), also known as the late Federal Center of Technological Education of São Paulo (Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de São Paulo, CEFET-SP), is an institution that offers high and professional educations by having a pluricurricular form. It is an multicampi institution, specializing in offering professional and technological education in different areas of knowledge (biologics/human sciences/exact sciences). IFSP is one of the five Federal Colleges in São Paulo, the other ones being ITA, UFSCar, UNIFESP and UFABC.

Federal Institute of São Paulo

The Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo (Portuguese: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo, IFSP), also known as the late Federal Center of Technological Education of São Paulo (Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de São Paulo, CEFET-SP), is an institution that offers high and professional educations by having a pluricurricular form. It is an multicampi institution, specializing in offering professional and technological education in different areas of knowledge (biologics/human sciences/exact sciences). IFSP is one of the five Federal Colleges in São Paulo, the other ones being ITA, UFSCar, UNIFESP and UFABC.