Fidele and Fortunio

Fidele and Fortunio was a comedy written by Anthony Munday and first published in 1584. Its authorship has been disputed but scholars are now generally agreed that the initials "A.M." appearing in the first edition of the play refer to Anthony Munday. Its chief interest nowadays lies in its possible influence on Shakespeare as the play was performed around the time he arrived in London and established himself as an actor and later as a playwright. It also gives us a view of the English language prior to the influence of Shakespeare on the language. The play is loosely based on the Italian play Il Fedele by Luigi Pasqualigo.

Fidele and Fortunio

Fidele and Fortunio was a comedy written by Anthony Munday and first published in 1584. Its authorship has been disputed but scholars are now generally agreed that the initials "A.M." appearing in the first edition of the play refer to Anthony Munday. Its chief interest nowadays lies in its possible influence on Shakespeare as the play was performed around the time he arrived in London and established himself as an actor and later as a playwright. It also gives us a view of the English language prior to the influence of Shakespeare on the language. The play is loosely based on the Italian play Il Fedele by Luigi Pasqualigo.