Filippa K

Filippa K is a Swedish clothing company. Founded in 1993 by Filippa Knutsson, Filippa K has grown to be one of Sweden's leading fashion brands. Based in Stockholm, Sweden, Filippa K now operates a growing number of profile stores in Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. In addition the men's and women's lines are represented by over 650 retailers throughout Europe, North America and Asia.

Filippa K

Filippa K is a Swedish clothing company. Founded in 1993 by Filippa Knutsson, Filippa K has grown to be one of Sweden's leading fashion brands. Based in Stockholm, Sweden, Filippa K now operates a growing number of profile stores in Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. In addition the men's and women's lines are represented by over 650 retailers throughout Europe, North America and Asia.