Finisterre–Huon languages

The Finisterre–Huon languages comprise the largest family within the Trans–New Guinea languages (TNG) in the classification of Malcolm Ross. They were part of the original TNG proposal, and William A. Foley considers their TNG identity to be established. The languages share verbs which are suppletive depending on the person & number of the object, strong morphological evidence that they are related. Ross reconstructs the pronouns as follows:

Finisterre–Huon languages

The Finisterre–Huon languages comprise the largest family within the Trans–New Guinea languages (TNG) in the classification of Malcolm Ross. They were part of the original TNG proposal, and William A. Foley considers their TNG identity to be established. The languages share verbs which are suppletive depending on the person & number of the object, strong morphological evidence that they are related. Ross reconstructs the pronouns as follows: