Five Red Categories

The "Five Red Categories" (红五类) during China's Cultural Revolution (1966–76) were the social classes favoured by the Communist Party of China. In the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, Red Guards were only allowed to come from the "Five Red Categories". These included: * Poor and lower-middle peasants (贫下中农) * Workers (工人) * Revolutionary soldiers (革命军人) * Revolutionary cadres (革命干部) * Revolutionary martyrs (革命烈士), meaning their dependents

Five Red Categories

The "Five Red Categories" (红五类) during China's Cultural Revolution (1966–76) were the social classes favoured by the Communist Party of China. In the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, Red Guards were only allowed to come from the "Five Red Categories". These included: * Poor and lower-middle peasants (贫下中农) * Workers (工人) * Revolutionary soldiers (革命军人) * Revolutionary cadres (革命干部) * Revolutionary martyrs (革命烈士), meaning their dependents