Flight for Life (UK)

Flight For Life is a UK-based fund rising organization whose main beneficiaries are cancer related charities. Primarily based around 4 people Les Field, Dave Blofeld, Tony Parr & Jacqui Parker, The Flight For Life team raised over £30,000 in 2006. Most events are based on long distance endurance flying in 3-axis microlight aircraft, G-SIMP (Jabiru UL450), G-BZNH (Rans S6ES) & G-BSOR (CFM Shadow). The team achieved a Guinness world record in 2006 flying around the coast of the UK in 5 days. UK Flyer Magazine December 2006

Flight for Life (UK)

Flight For Life is a UK-based fund rising organization whose main beneficiaries are cancer related charities. Primarily based around 4 people Les Field, Dave Blofeld, Tony Parr & Jacqui Parker, The Flight For Life team raised over £30,000 in 2006. Most events are based on long distance endurance flying in 3-axis microlight aircraft, G-SIMP (Jabiru UL450), G-BZNH (Rans S6ES) & G-BSOR (CFM Shadow). The team achieved a Guinness world record in 2006 flying around the coast of the UK in 5 days. UK Flyer Magazine December 2006