FnF (TV series)

FnF, also known as Friends n Family, is a Bangladeshi drama series which was first aired on January 17, 2010 on channel NTV, and as of August 2010 was yet to finish airing. Redwan Rony, the writer of the popular Bengali drama serial House Full, is the director and the writer of FnF. The story of this drama serial revolves around Mr. Patwary and children, all living in the urbanised and developing city of Dhaka, along with their loving family and friends. The cast includes Abul Hayat, Partha Barua, Aupee Karim, Sumaiya Shimu, Anika Kabir Shokh, Mosharraf Karim, Aditto Monir, Ahmed Rubel, Shumon Patowary, Shaju Muntashir, Nafa, Faruk Ahmed, Nupur, Pidim, and Tania Ahmed.

FnF (TV series)

FnF, also known as Friends n Family, is a Bangladeshi drama series which was first aired on January 17, 2010 on channel NTV, and as of August 2010 was yet to finish airing. Redwan Rony, the writer of the popular Bengali drama serial House Full, is the director and the writer of FnF. The story of this drama serial revolves around Mr. Patwary and children, all living in the urbanised and developing city of Dhaka, along with their loving family and friends. The cast includes Abul Hayat, Partha Barua, Aupee Karim, Sumaiya Shimu, Anika Kabir Shokh, Mosharraf Karim, Aditto Monir, Ahmed Rubel, Shumon Patowary, Shaju Muntashir, Nafa, Faruk Ahmed, Nupur, Pidim, and Tania Ahmed.