Fonal Records

Fonal Records is an independent record label from Finland. It was initially founded in the mid-1990s by Sami Sänpäkkilä to release his recordings under his recording name Es. Sänpäkkilä ran the label from his home in Ulvila. A truly independent record label in every sense, his entire family even get involved, packaging records among other duties. Despite this low key, DIY approach, or rather because of it, Fonal balances the artistic and creative elements of running a record label with the less glamorous problems associated with any other 'normal' business venture.

Fonal Records

Fonal Records is an independent record label from Finland. It was initially founded in the mid-1990s by Sami Sänpäkkilä to release his recordings under his recording name Es. Sänpäkkilä ran the label from his home in Ulvila. A truly independent record label in every sense, his entire family even get involved, packaging records among other duties. Despite this low key, DIY approach, or rather because of it, Fonal balances the artistic and creative elements of running a record label with the less glamorous problems associated with any other 'normal' business venture.