Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Program

European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Program (ENPI FLEG) is a program that aims to improve forest law enforcement and governance in 7 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine. It comprises two parts, FLEG I, implemented in 2008–12, and FLEG II, implemented in 2012–16. The program is implemented by the World Bank, IUCN, and WWF. The Program is mostly funded by European Commission through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument; some activities are funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation.The program has been developed in response to the growing problem of illegal forest activities in the participating countries.The Program aims to:

Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Program

European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Program (ENPI FLEG) is a program that aims to improve forest law enforcement and governance in 7 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine. It comprises two parts, FLEG I, implemented in 2008–12, and FLEG II, implemented in 2012–16. The program is implemented by the World Bank, IUCN, and WWF. The Program is mostly funded by European Commission through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument; some activities are funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation.The program has been developed in response to the growing problem of illegal forest activities in the participating countries.The Program aims to: