Forest of Halatte

The Forest of Halatte (Forêt d'Halatte) in Picardy is one of the largest remaining blocks of natural old growth forest in France. Situated in the département of Oise near Senlis and Pont-Sainte-Maxence, it currently embraces 43 square kilometers. Together with the Forest of Chantilly and the Forest of Ermenonville it forms the Massif des Trois Forêts. On the north it borders the Forest of Compiègne. The Forest of Halatte is still a source of oak and beech timber.

Forest of Halatte

The Forest of Halatte (Forêt d'Halatte) in Picardy is one of the largest remaining blocks of natural old growth forest in France. Situated in the département of Oise near Senlis and Pont-Sainte-Maxence, it currently embraces 43 square kilometers. Together with the Forest of Chantilly and the Forest of Ermenonville it forms the Massif des Trois Forêts. On the north it borders the Forest of Compiègne. The Forest of Halatte is still a source of oak and beech timber.