Fritillaria pudica

Fritillaria pudica (yellow fritillary) is a small perennial plant found in the sagebrush country in the western United States (Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, very northern California, Nevada, northwestern Colorado, North Dakota and Utah) and Canada (Alberta and British Columbia). It is a member of the lily family, or Liliaceae. Another (somewhat ambiguous) name is "yellowbells", since it has a bell-shaped yellow flower. It may be found in dryish, loose soil; it is amongst the first plants to flower after the snow melts, but the flower does not last very long; as the petals age, they turn a brick-red colour and begin to curl outward. During his historical journey Meriwether Lewis collected a specimen while passing through Idaho in 1806.

Fritillaria pudica

Fritillaria pudica (yellow fritillary) is a small perennial plant found in the sagebrush country in the western United States (Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming, very northern California, Nevada, northwestern Colorado, North Dakota and Utah) and Canada (Alberta and British Columbia). It is a member of the lily family, or Liliaceae. Another (somewhat ambiguous) name is "yellowbells", since it has a bell-shaped yellow flower. It may be found in dryish, loose soil; it is amongst the first plants to flower after the snow melts, but the flower does not last very long; as the petals age, they turn a brick-red colour and begin to curl outward. During his historical journey Meriwether Lewis collected a specimen while passing through Idaho in 1806.