
Futuresport is a made-for-TV movie directed by Ernest Dickerson, starring Dean Cain, Vanessa Williams, and Wesley Snipes. It originally aired on ABC in October 1998, and released on VHS and DVD in March 1999. The movie is set in 2025, and centers on a sport called "Futuresport" (a combination of basketball, baseball and hockey that uses hoverboards and rollerblades that have existed for ten years) created as a non-lethal way to reduce gang warfare. Tre (Dean Cain) must save the world from Hawaiian Liberation Organization terrorists by winning in the game of futuresport.


Futuresport is a made-for-TV movie directed by Ernest Dickerson, starring Dean Cain, Vanessa Williams, and Wesley Snipes. It originally aired on ABC in October 1998, and released on VHS and DVD in March 1999. The movie is set in 2025, and centers on a sport called "Futuresport" (a combination of basketball, baseball and hockey that uses hoverboards and rollerblades that have existed for ten years) created as a non-lethal way to reduce gang warfare. Tre (Dean Cain) must save the world from Hawaiian Liberation Organization terrorists by winning in the game of futuresport.