
Gírová (Polish: Girowa) is an 840-metre-high (2,756 ft) mountain in the Silesian Beskids mountain range, in the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. The mountain is located several kilometers from the borders with Poland and Slovakia. There are two tourist trails leading to Gírová. One can reach the mountain from Mosty u Jablunkova (Mosty koło Jabłonkowa) and Bukovec (Bukowiec), the second one from Jablunkov (Jabłonków). * Mountain hut * View from Gírová in the southeast direction * At the summit of the mountain


Gírová (Polish: Girowa) is an 840-metre-high (2,756 ft) mountain in the Silesian Beskids mountain range, in the Moravian-Silesian Region, Czech Republic. The mountain is located several kilometers from the borders with Poland and Slovakia. There are two tourist trails leading to Gírová. One can reach the mountain from Mosty u Jablunkova (Mosty koło Jabłonkowa) and Bukovec (Bukowiec), the second one from Jablunkov (Jabłonków). * Mountain hut * View from Gírová in the southeast direction * At the summit of the mountain