Gantiadi church

Gantiadi church (Georgian: განთიადის ეკლესია, Gant'iadis eklesia) is a 6th-century three-apse basilica, located in settlement of Gantiadi (Gagra district). It was built in 543 AD and altered several times in 8-10th centuries. In 1576 it was partly destroyed by Ottoman invaders. It is one of the oldest Christian temples in Georgia. Nowadays only the ruins of the basilica are left standing.

Gantiadi church

Gantiadi church (Georgian: განთიადის ეკლესია, Gant'iadis eklesia) is a 6th-century three-apse basilica, located in settlement of Gantiadi (Gagra district). It was built in 543 AD and altered several times in 8-10th centuries. In 1576 it was partly destroyed by Ottoman invaders. It is one of the oldest Christian temples in Georgia. Nowadays only the ruins of the basilica are left standing.