Gau wu

Gau Wu (Chinese: 鳩嗚) (Cantonese pronunciation: Gau1 Wu1), is a Chinese expression that was coined shortly after an interview clip in which the term was used was broadcast by HK cable TV in August, 2014. The expression means “disorderly shouting” or “squabbling over nothing”. Since 2014, Gau Wu has become a street expression, often translated from Cantonese as ”shopping”, since the expression is homophonic with “shopping” in Mandarin (購物 gòu wù). It represents a means of expressing discontent with various issues such as the Individual Visit Scheme, parallel traders, and the 831 Decision.

Gau wu

Gau Wu (Chinese: 鳩嗚) (Cantonese pronunciation: Gau1 Wu1), is a Chinese expression that was coined shortly after an interview clip in which the term was used was broadcast by HK cable TV in August, 2014. The expression means “disorderly shouting” or “squabbling over nothing”. Since 2014, Gau Wu has become a street expression, often translated from Cantonese as ”shopping”, since the expression is homophonic with “shopping” in Mandarin (購物 gòu wù). It represents a means of expressing discontent with various issues such as the Individual Visit Scheme, parallel traders, and the 831 Decision.