Gaussian rational

In mathematics, a Gaussian rational number is a complex number of the form p + qi, where p and q are both rational numbers.The set of all Gaussian rationals forms the Gaussian rational field, denoted Q(i), obtained by adjoining the imaginary number i to the field of rationals.It thus provides an example of an algebraic number field, which is both a quadratic field and a cyclotomic field (since i is a 4th root of unity). Like all quadratic fields it is a Galois extension of Q with Galois group cyclic of order two, in this case generated by complex conjugation, and is thus an abelian extension of Q, with conductor 4.

Gaussian rational

In mathematics, a Gaussian rational number is a complex number of the form p + qi, where p and q are both rational numbers.The set of all Gaussian rationals forms the Gaussian rational field, denoted Q(i), obtained by adjoining the imaginary number i to the field of rationals.It thus provides an example of an algebraic number field, which is both a quadratic field and a cyclotomic field (since i is a 4th root of unity). Like all quadratic fields it is a Galois extension of Q with Galois group cyclic of order two, in this case generated by complex conjugation, and is thus an abelian extension of Q, with conductor 4.