George P. Johnson

George P. Johnson or GPJ is an American multinational corporation that specialises in event marketing and brand marketing, with headquarters located in Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States. GPJ operates primarily as a marketing and advertisement firm, providing digital, multimedia and physical marketing interactions, as well as offering brand management services and consulting, however GPJ specialises in more traditional physical event management. GPJ has a wide variety of clients in various industries: automotive, technology, software, food & beverage, entertainment, including over 40 "Fortune" 500 Companies.

George P. Johnson

George P. Johnson or GPJ is an American multinational corporation that specialises in event marketing and brand marketing, with headquarters located in Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States. GPJ operates primarily as a marketing and advertisement firm, providing digital, multimedia and physical marketing interactions, as well as offering brand management services and consulting, however GPJ specialises in more traditional physical event management. GPJ has a wide variety of clients in various industries: automotive, technology, software, food & beverage, entertainment, including over 40 "Fortune" 500 Companies.