George in Civvy Street

George in Civvy Street is a 1946 British comedy film directed and produced by Marcel Varnel and stars George Formby, Ronald Shiner, and Ian Fleming. It was made by the British subsidiary of Columbia Pictures. This was Formby's last big screen appearance. After the film flopped at the box office, he resumed his career in the music hall. The working title for the film was "Remember the Unicorn".

George in Civvy Street

George in Civvy Street is a 1946 British comedy film directed and produced by Marcel Varnel and stars George Formby, Ronald Shiner, and Ian Fleming. It was made by the British subsidiary of Columbia Pictures. This was Formby's last big screen appearance. After the film flopped at the box office, he resumed his career in the music hall. The working title for the film was "Remember the Unicorn".