Germany and the United Nations

The relationship of Germany and the United Nations first began during World War II. The United Nations then was synonymous with the Allies of World War II and Germany then being the Greater German Reich, a member of the Axis powers. With the war ending in the defeat of Germany, the country's territory was divided amongst the victors and what was to remain Germany was under Allied administration. In 1949, two new countries were created in these occupied territories: the Federal Republic of Germany in May and the German Democratic Republic in October.

Germany and the United Nations

The relationship of Germany and the United Nations first began during World War II. The United Nations then was synonymous with the Allies of World War II and Germany then being the Greater German Reich, a member of the Axis powers. With the war ending in the defeat of Germany, the country's territory was divided amongst the victors and what was to remain Germany was under Allied administration. In 1949, two new countries were created in these occupied territories: the Federal Republic of Germany in May and the German Democratic Republic in October.