Google Code Search

Google Code Search was a free beta product from Google which debuted in Google Labs on October 5, 2006 allowing web users to search for open-source code on the Internet. Features included the ability to search using operators, namely lang:, package:, license: and file:. The code available for searching was in various formats including tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar, and .zip, CVS, Subversion, git and Mercurial repositories.

Google Code Search

Google Code Search was a free beta product from Google which debuted in Google Labs on October 5, 2006 allowing web users to search for open-source code on the Internet. Features included the ability to search using operators, namely lang:, package:, license: and file:. The code available for searching was in various formats including tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar, and .zip, CVS, Subversion, git and Mercurial repositories.