Great Patriotic Pole

The Great Patriotic Pole (Spanish: Gran Polo Patriótico, GPP) is an electoral alliance of Venezuelan political parties created in 2011 to support the re-election of Hugo Chávez in the 2012 presidential election. The organisation, which "formally unites 35,000 Venezuelan movements and collectives", is led by Nicolás Maduros' United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, PSUV). Although the coalition shares a name with the "Patriotic Pole" of the 1998 presidential election, the 1998 coalition was one of political parties, and did not include the wide range of social movements and community organisations involved in the GPP. For example, in Mérida state the GPP includes "[m]ovements such as the Tupamaros, the Educational Community Socialist Front, the Frebin (the

Great Patriotic Pole

The Great Patriotic Pole (Spanish: Gran Polo Patriótico, GPP) is an electoral alliance of Venezuelan political parties created in 2011 to support the re-election of Hugo Chávez in the 2012 presidential election. The organisation, which "formally unites 35,000 Venezuelan movements and collectives", is led by Nicolás Maduros' United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, PSUV). Although the coalition shares a name with the "Patriotic Pole" of the 1998 presidential election, the 1998 coalition was one of political parties, and did not include the wide range of social movements and community organisations involved in the GPP. For example, in Mérida state the GPP includes "[m]ovements such as the Tupamaros, the Educational Community Socialist Front, the Frebin (the