Greyish eagle-owl

The greyish eagle-owl or vermiculated eagle-owl (Bubo cinerascens) is a rather large owl of Africa. It is closely related to the spotted eagle-owl, of which is it sometimes considered the northern subspecies, B. africanus cinerascens. It is found in the northern part of sub-Saharan Africa from Mauretania and Liberia east to Sudan and Somalia. Its habitats include dry rocky deserts and open savannah, as well as lowland forests in Somalia.

Greyish eagle-owl

The greyish eagle-owl or vermiculated eagle-owl (Bubo cinerascens) is a rather large owl of Africa. It is closely related to the spotted eagle-owl, of which is it sometimes considered the northern subspecies, B. africanus cinerascens. It is found in the northern part of sub-Saharan Africa from Mauretania and Liberia east to Sudan and Somalia. Its habitats include dry rocky deserts and open savannah, as well as lowland forests in Somalia.