Groupie Girl

Groupie Girl is a 1970 British drama film about the rock music scene, directed by Derek Ford and starring Esme Johns, Donald Sumpter and the band Opal Butterfly. The film was written by Ford and former groupie Suzanne Mercer. Ford later complained to Cinema X magazine "we were shooting in a discotheque one Saturday night and my ears rang right through to Monday morning. I was sick -physically sick- on Sunday from the noise level we suffered".

Groupie Girl

Groupie Girl is a 1970 British drama film about the rock music scene, directed by Derek Ford and starring Esme Johns, Donald Sumpter and the band Opal Butterfly. The film was written by Ford and former groupie Suzanne Mercer. Ford later complained to Cinema X magazine "we were shooting in a discotheque one Saturday night and my ears rang right through to Monday morning. I was sick -physically sick- on Sunday from the noise level we suffered".