HCPT – The Pilgrimage Trust

HCPT (Hosanna House and Children's Pilgrimage Trust) is a United Kingdom based charity which travels with disabled and disadvantaged children and adults on pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, in Lourdes, France. HCPT stands for Hosanna House and Children's Pilgrimage Trust, Hosanna House being the property the organisation owns in the hills above Lourdes.

HCPT – The Pilgrimage Trust

HCPT (Hosanna House and Children's Pilgrimage Trust) is a United Kingdom based charity which travels with disabled and disadvantaged children and adults on pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, in Lourdes, France. HCPT stands for Hosanna House and Children's Pilgrimage Trust, Hosanna House being the property the organisation owns in the hills above Lourdes.