
HandyLinux is a Linux distribution originating in France and derived from the Debian stable branch. It is designed especially with inexperienced computer users in mind.The distribution has low system requirements, allowing it to be used on a range of older hardware that is no longer supported by the latest versions of proprietary operating systems. It is aimed particularly at older people with dated hardware who do not need or possess the skill to use many features afforded by state-of-the-art operating systems. It may also be useful for computer users with disabilities, such as the visually impaired.


HandyLinux is a Linux distribution originating in France and derived from the Debian stable branch. It is designed especially with inexperienced computer users in mind.The distribution has low system requirements, allowing it to be used on a range of older hardware that is no longer supported by the latest versions of proprietary operating systems. It is aimed particularly at older people with dated hardware who do not need or possess the skill to use many features afforded by state-of-the-art operating systems. It may also be useful for computer users with disabilities, such as the visually impaired.