Hanzade Sultan

Hanzâde Sultan (1609 – 1650) was an Ottoman princess. She was the daughter of sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603–1617) and Mahfiruz Hatice Sultan, sister of Osman II (r. 1618–1622) and half-sister of both Murad IV and Ibrahim (r. 1640–1648), and the paternal aunt of Mehmed IV (r. 1648–1687). She is known for her marriage with Bayram Pasha (died 26 August 1638) was an Ottoman grand vizier from 1637 to 1638 and the Ottoman governor of Egypt from 1626 to 1628, then she married Nakkaş Mustafa Pasha.

Hanzade Sultan

Hanzâde Sultan (1609 – 1650) was an Ottoman princess. She was the daughter of sultan Ahmed I (r. 1603–1617) and Mahfiruz Hatice Sultan, sister of Osman II (r. 1618–1622) and half-sister of both Murad IV and Ibrahim (r. 1640–1648), and the paternal aunt of Mehmed IV (r. 1648–1687). She is known for her marriage with Bayram Pasha (died 26 August 1638) was an Ottoman grand vizier from 1637 to 1638 and the Ottoman governor of Egypt from 1626 to 1628, then she married Nakkaş Mustafa Pasha.