Hayward Gay Prom

The Hayward Gay Prom takes place in Hayward California, and is a dance held for LGBTQ youth.The attendees of the event consists of LGBTQ youth under the age of 20. The objective of the event is to provide LGBTQ youth with opportunities and experiences without fear of discrimination or harassment. It centered on making LGBTQ youth feel comfortable and accepted. The gay prom was established in 1995 and continues to be an annual event.

Hayward Gay Prom

The Hayward Gay Prom takes place in Hayward California, and is a dance held for LGBTQ youth.The attendees of the event consists of LGBTQ youth under the age of 20. The objective of the event is to provide LGBTQ youth with opportunities and experiences without fear of discrimination or harassment. It centered on making LGBTQ youth feel comfortable and accepted. The gay prom was established in 1995 and continues to be an annual event.